Find Your Ideal Surface

Please answer the questions below and we will do the best to work out the best surface to suit your requirements.

What discipline/type of work will the surface mainly be used for?
Will the surface be for an Indoor or Outdoor arena?
How many horses a day will be using the surface?
Do you wish to irrigate the surface?
Your details

"*" indicates required fields

Your results

These are the surfaces we would recommend based on your selections. If you have any questions, or want to know more, please call our team on +44 (0) 1282 834 970.

Your results

We'd like to know a little more about your requirements before making our recommendations for your ideal surface.

What discipline/type of work will the surface mainly be used for?
Will the surface be covered or uncovered?
How many horses a day will be using the surface?
Would you prefer a waxed or non-waxed surface?
Your details

"*" indicates required fields

Your results

These are the surfaces we would recommend based on your selections. If you have any questions, or want to know more, please call our team on +44 (0) 1282 834 970.

Your results

We'd like to know a little more about your requirements before making our recommendations for your ideal surface.